How long do baby teethers last | Melikey

As babies begin to teethe, parents often scramble to find the perfect teething toy to soothe their little ones' sore gums. However, it's not just about finding the right texture or shape. It's important to consider how long different types of baby teethers will last in order to ensure that your investment is worthwhile. In this article, we'll explore the lifespan of different types of baby teethers and offer tips for prolonging their longevity.

Types of Baby Teethers

There is a wide range of baby teething toys available on the market, made from various materials such as natural materials like wood and rubber, as well as synthetic materials like silicone and plastic. Each material has different properties and longevity

Natural materials

Wooden Teethers


Wooden teethers are a popular choice for parents looking for a durable and long-lasting toy. The lifespan of wooden teethers can vary depending on the type of wood used and the quality of craftsmanship. In general, well-made wooden teethers can last for several months up to a year or more.

To prolong the lifespan of wooden teethers, it's important to care for them properly. To prevent splinters or rough spots, parents should regularly check the teething toy for signs of wear and tear such as cracks or chips. Wooden teethers should also be cleaned and dried thoroughly after each use to prevent the growth of bacteria or mold. Avoid exposing wooden teethers to extreme temperatures, as this can cause the wood to warp or crack.

Rubber Teethers


Rubber teethers are a popular choice for parents looking for a natural, soft teething toy. Natural rubber teethers like those made from the Hevea tree can last for several months up to a year with proper care and maintenance.


To prolong the lifespan of rubber teethers, they should be washed with a mild soap and water, then air-dried after use. Avoid using hot water or harsh chemicals, as this can cause the rubber to degrade. Store rubber teethers in a dry, cool place to prevent them from collecting dust or becoming sticky.


Plant-based Teethers

Plant-based teethers made from materials like cornstarch or bamboo can be an eco-friendly and natural option for parents. The lifespan of these teethers can vary depending on the quality of the material used and the baby's chewing habits.

To prolong the lifespan of plant-based teethers, parents should ensure they're stored in a dry and cool place to prevent warping or cracking. They should also be washed regularly with a mild soap and water and air-dried thoroughly.

Synthetic Materials

Silicone Teethers

Silicone teethers are a popular choice for parents because of their soft texture and durability. The lifespan of silicone teethers can vary depending on the quality of the material and frequency of use. In general, well-made silicone teethers can last for several months up to a year or more.

To prolong the lifespan of silicone teethers, parents should wash them regularly with warm water and mild soap, and air-dry them thoroughly. Avoid using harsh chemicals or boiling water to clean silicone teethers, as this can cause the material to degrade and break down.

Plastic Teethers

Plastic teethers are a common choice for parents because of their affordability and easy availability. The lifespan of plastic teethers can vary depending on the quality of the material and frequency of use. In general, plastic teethers have a shorter lifespan compared to other materials.

To prolong the lifespan of plastic teethers, parents should look for high-quality, BPA-free plastic toys. It's also important to wash plastic teethers regularly with a mild soap and water and air-dry them completely after use.

Factors That Affect Teether Lifespan

In addition to the type of material used, several other factors can affect the lifespan of baby teethers.

Material Quality and Craftsmanship

When purchasing baby teethers, it's important to look for well-made toys with high-quality materials. This ensures that the toy will withstand frequent use and biting.

Frequency of Use

Frequent use of a teething toy can cause it to wear out more quickly. Parents should be prepared to replace toys as necessary.

Exposure to Moisture and Extreme Temperatures

Exposure to moisture or extreme temperatures can cause teething toys to warp, crack, or degrade. Parents should store teethers in a cool, dry place and avoid exposing them to harsh conditions.

Cleaning and Maintenance Habits

Proper cleaning and maintenance can help prolong the lifespan of baby teethers. Parents should follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer and clean teethers regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria or mold.

Baby's Chewing Strength and Habits

Some babies may have stronger chewing habits than others, which can cause teething toys to wear out more quickly. Parents should monitor the condition of their baby's teething toys and replace them as needed.

Storage Methods

Proper storage can help prevent teething toys from becoming damaged or dirty. Store teethers in a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight or heat sources.


Melikey is a professional silicone teether manufacturer, providing high quality, safe and customized baby teething toys with competitive price. We can provide one-stop service, welcome to contact us for more wholesale baby products.

Post time: Apr-29-2023